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The Northair Group � INM � News Releases
El Reventon Sampling: 69 Metres @ 118.7 G/T Silver Additonal Zones Discovered

International Northair Mines Ltd. (TSXV:INM) has completed additional exploration at the Company’s El Reventon Project located in the state of Durango, Mexico. Recent trenching at the El Reventon Breccia has increased the length of the exposed surface mineralization on the southern margin to 69 metres of 118.7 g/t silver. Although the El Reventon Breccia remains the Company’s primary property target, numerous additional zones of mineralization with historic workings have also been discovered during the recent program. Results from the program are encouraging and indicate that the property has the potential to contain bulk tonnage silver deposits, as well as high grade gold, silver, lead and zinc vein systems.

During the recent program, hand trenching within the El Reventon Breccia deposit exposed an additional 17 metres of mineralization along the western continuation of line 2 (see Website for map). The total average for continuous 2 metre sampling along this exposure is now 69 metres @ 118.7 g/t silver. The deposit occurs within an apparent dacite intrusive breccia pipe, having an irregular surface expression of approximately 70 x 70 metres. A total of 51 channel samples take from within the breccia have an overall average of 104 g/t silver. Geophysical laboratory testing performed on seven representative samples from the El Reventon Breccia by Zonge Engineering & Research Organization has indicated that the occurrence might respond well to a ground geophysical program and the Company is considering this as a tool for further exploration of the area.

An additional bulk tonnage target may have been located at the Los Alisos prospect, which has a geochemical signature very similar to the El Reventon Breccia located approximately 500 metres to the north. Reconnaissance chip sampling at Los Alisos over an approximate 15 x 20 metre outcrop surrounded by colluvium reported values up to 97 g/t silver, 2.3% lead and 1.78% zinc. Most of the surface between Los Alisos and El Reventon is covered by post-mineral volcanics, indicating good exploration potential between the two zones. Company geologists believe the area could contain a significant deposit.

During the program, company geologists also completed a reconnaissance evaluation of approximately 30% of the property position. An additional eleven distinct zones of mineralization have been discovered. All of these zones contain prospects and historic mines, some possibly dating back to the Spanish. To date, a total of 79 rock chip samples have been taken by the Company from the additional zones. Most of the workings explored high-grade polymetallic vein systems that locally exceed 10 metres in width. The Estrella Mine 2.2 kilometres southwest of the El Reventon Breccia contains three levels that explored and partially developed northeast and northwest striking vein systems with widths ranging from 2 to 4 metres. Although sampling was limited due to access and limited outcrops, samples reported 0.818 g/t gold and 302 g/t silver over 0.75 metres; 0.222 g/t gold and 100 g/t silver over 4 metres; and 0.372 g/t gold and 100 g/t silver over 1.5 metres. The San Genaro prospect is approximately 2.1 kilometres northeast of the El Reventon Breccia, and is traceable on surface by workings and limited outcrops for a strike length of approximately 400 metres. The workings are presently inaccessible, and there are few outcrops affording exposures for sampling. A sample from a surface exposure reported 0.432 g/t gold and 63.3 g/t silver over a 6 metre width.

An initial stream sediment sampling program was also undertaken with twelve samples collected from various drainages within the property. Very strong silver anomalies were reported in the El Reventon drainage, as well as the Arroyo Portero 2 kilometres northeast of the El Reventon Breccia, and two arroyos 1.8 kilometres southwest and 2.6 kilometres west-southwest respectively from the El Reventon Breccia. A very strong gold anomaly (0.189 g/t) with no silver was reported from a drainage approximately 2 kilometres northeast of the El Reventon Breccia. These results indicate that stream sediment sampling is a very effective tool for reconnaissance exploration within the property and further sampling is anticipated.

The El Reventon Project is located in the highly prospective Sierra Madre Occidental mineral belt of Mexico, approximately 170 kilometres northwest of the city of Durango. Road access to the property is good. The company owns the majority of a contiguous property totaling 3437 hectares and can acquire a 60 hectare internal concession by paying US$ 150,000 over a four year period with no royalties. The property position controls a series of occurrences aligned along a northeast trending belt consisting of Upper Jurassic low-grade metasedimentary rocks overlain by andesite and rhyolite volcanics belonging to the Inferior and Superior Super Groups. Mineralization may be genetically associated with andesite and dacite porphyry intrusives.

The Company plans to resume property exploration activities following the short summer rainy season. Programs being considered include ground geophysics at the El Reventon Breccia, re-opening historic mines for mapping and sampling, mechanical trenching of mineralized zones, and additional reconnaissance.

Exploration programs in Mexico are supervised by Mr. Jim Robinson, Vice President of the Company, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The Company maintains a quality control program using best industry practices consistent with NI 43-101.


Per: �Fred G. Hewett�
Fred G. Hewett, P.Eng.
President & C.E.O.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE COMPANY AT 1-604-687-7545 or Toll Free at 1-888-338-2200
Website:  www.internationalnorthair.com Email: [email protected]

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