High Grade Gold Mineralization Confirmed At Las Moras
July 12, 2004
International Northair Mines Ltd. (TSXV:INM) has received encouraging results from an exploration program recently completed at the Company�s Las Moras project located in the state of Durango, Mexico. Surface sampling of the �La Ventana Zone� included 43.26 g/t gold from continuous chip samples taken over a length of 10.6 metres; and further exploration is planned.
Las Moras was identified as being highly prospective in late 2003 as part of the Company�s ongoing generative exploration program. Located in the Sierra Madre Mountains, approximately 100 kilometers east of Mazatlan, the property covers an area of 450 hectares and is comprised of both optioned and staked concessions. Las Moras lies in a geologic setting similar to the Company�s El Tesoro property, and has the potential to contain high grade gold as well as bulk tonnage base metal deposits. Two distinct mineralized zones have been found on the property to date.
The La Ventana Zone occurs in steep topography, where select sampling by the Company in 2003 returned significant gold values. This gold rich zone occurs in a roughly 20 by 60 metre erosional window exposing high grade gold mineralization in rhyolite volcanics intruded by a rhyolite porphyry dike. Mineralization appears to occur within and along the contact of the rhyolite intrusive, which dips sub-parallel to topography. The geometry of the mineralization, and emplacement of the dike are apparently controlled by bedding fractures within the volcanics, as well as a high angle cross cutting fault.
Recently, four lines of continuous chip samples, approximately 5 metres apart and oriented southwest/northeast, were taken over the 20 metre long principal outcrop with results summarized below:
Line |
# of Samples |
Total metres |
Average Gold (G/T) |
1 |
4 |
5.2 |
2.20 |
2 |
3 |
3.4 |
18.08 |
3 |
9 |
10.6 |
43.26 |
4 |
6 |
9.6 |
16.43 |
The sample lines are oriented roughly along the plane of the outcrop and do not represent a section perpendicular to the rhyolite porphyry. Due to the lack of outcrop, colluvial cover and steep topography, it is not possible to speculate on the size or the possible thickness of the La Ventana Zone.
Surrounding the La Ventana mineralized exposure is an approximate 150 by 100 metre area of argillized volcanics and associated colluvium. This unit is interpreted as possibly overlying the rhyolite intrusive and additional mineralization. A reconnaissance soil sampling program was conducted over an approximate 75 by 150 metre area surrounding La Ventana. All of the 17 soil samples taken reported anomalous to very strong gold values, ranging from 0.016 to 2.64 g/t. Four pits were also manually excavated, with one representative sample taken from each pit. Pit PZ-1, excavated approximately 15 metres west of sample line #1, succeeded in exposing mineralization, and reported 8.11 g/t gold. Pits PZ-2 through PZ-4 up to 75 metres to the west returned anomalous gold values. The results of the soil sampling and pit excavation program imply that the zone could be larger than exposed in the La Ventana outcrop, and shows that these exploration methods are effective for target definition.